Sebekritika žen - v čem si ženy nejčastěji myslí, že nejsou dokonalé a myslí na to téměř každý den?
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.
Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.
Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.
Psychologie, vztahy mezi lidmi
Sebekritika žen - v čem si ženy nejčastěji myslí, že nejsou dokonalé a myslí na to téměř každý den?
MUDr. Zbyněk Mlčoch
Zobrazení: 3075
Věděli jste, že téměř každá žena sebe sama ve své mysli kritizuje i 8x za den, Tušíte jaká jsou nejčastější témata ženské sebekritiky? Asi nikoho nepřekvapí, že sebekritické chvíle jsou zaměřovány především na vnější vizáž každé ženy. Nacházíte se v některém z obrázků na této stránce?