Příjemnou noc, dnes je čtvrtek 6.2.2025, svátek slaví Vanda, zítra Veronika.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: That file cannot be loaded with the function 'imagecreatefrompng?w=620'.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Sebekritika žen - v čem si ženy nejčastěji myslí, že nejsou dokonalé a myslí na to téměř každý den?


Věděli jste, že téměř každá žena sebe sama ve své mysli kritizuje i 8x za den, Tušíte jaká jsou nejčastější témata ženské sebekritiky? Asi nikoho nepřekvapí, že sebekritické chvíle jsou zaměřovány především na vnější vizáž každé ženy. Nacházíte se v některém z obrázků na této stránce? 





hrozný vlasy

hrozný vlasy

velký břicho

velký břicho

zase jsem necvičila

zase jsem necvičila

nejsem fotogenická

nejsem fotogenická



nejsem přitažlivá pro manžela

nejsem přitažlivá pro manžela

jako šmudla

jako šmudla

hroznej bordel

hroznej bordel

Zdroj: http://stastnyblog.cz/2016/02/18/zeny-se-kritizuji-v-prumeru-osmkrat-denne/